The Acting President of Yarmouk University, Dr. Muwaffaq Alomoush, met with the Director of the Erasmus+ office in Jordan, Dr. Ahmad Abu-El-Haija, during his visit to the university to review the developments of the implementation of the BITTCOIN-JO project, which is one of the projects of the Erasmus+ program supported by the European Union.

Alomoush emphasized the interest that Yarmouk University attaches to scientific projects, especially those supported by European authorities, which are reflected positively on the scientific and research level of the faculty member due to his knowledge of various experiences and knowledge, and on the other hand it provides opportunities for students to scientific visits to different European countries, which enables the student to expand His awareness and strengthening of his capabilities in various fields as well as his knowledge of different cultures and civilizations.

He pointed out that Yarmouk, through its ancient research history, was able to obtain support for its research projects in various disciplines, stressing the university’s keenness to make these projects meaningful and applicable on the ground, which will positively affect the educational institution in particular and our country, Jordan in general.

Alomoush said that Yarmouk is proud of the implementation of the BITTCOIN-JO project in cooperation with other Jordanian universities, which aims to establish centers for technology transfer in higher education institutions in Jordan, praising the efforts of the project team for their hard and dedicated work towards its success.

In turn, Abu-El-Haija said that the Erasmus+ office always follows up the various activities supported in Jordan in order to verify its efficiency and that it is running within a successful business map, pointing out that this project has successful management and a distinguished work team, which enables it to create an effective relationship between the academic and industrial sectors.

Abu-El-Haija pointed to the need for educational institutions to give the subject of scientific research and supported scientific projects most of their attention due to their positive impact on the higher education sector, as higher education institutions in Jordan, through the Erasmus+ program, were able to create more than 30 bachelor's and master's programs in non-traditional disciplines, pointing out that Jordan has attracted about 107 projects through Erasmus+.

The meeting was attended by the University's Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Riad Almomani, the Dean of Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology, the Director of the BITTCOIN-JO Project, Dr. Mwaffaq Otoom, and the Director of Public Relations and Media Mukhlis Ibbini.

It is reported that the project, BITTCOIN-JO, supports some of the main national priorities in Jordan, which are innovations and emerging companies. It also provides an opportunity for researchers who develop their research outputs as new products and services to market these products, as well as patents, publishing, and cooperation with the industrial sector, which has become an urgent need. For higher education institutions in Jordan, the project also contributes to establishing a new model for conducting technology transfer activities in Jordan through a series of trainings and capacity-building activities, and establishing sustainable technology transfer offices in Jordanian universities that work with university faculty members and students to market their projects and patents, to create startups.