The Department of International Relations and Projects received a visiting delegation from Sivas Cumhuriyet University / Turkey within the European Union-funded Erasmus Plus program that included:

Dr. Hasan Ozalp
Dr. Guven Delice
Dr. Vehbi Unal
Dr. Emre Seven

The President of Yarmouk University, Prof. Dr. Zaidan Kafafi, pointed out during the meeting to the depth of international relations that unite Jordan and Turkey, and stressed Yarmouk’s keenness to extend bridges of cooperation with various Turkish universities and educational institutions, exchange experiences and competencies, in addition to the possibility of establishing joint study programs for various degrees in aspects Of interest to both sides, reviewing the establishment of the university and the colleges that comprise it, and the academic programs it offers. The meeting was attended by the Vice President of the University for Humanitarian Affairs, Dr. Fawwaz Abdel Haq, the Director of International Relations and Projects Directorate, Dr. Mwaffaq Otoom, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Muhammad Bani Dumi, the Vice Dean of the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, Dr. Yahya Shatnawi, and the head of the Department of Semitic and Oriental Languages, Dr. Muhammad Nusair. The visitors make a tour inside the university and visited the Jordanian Heritage Museum, Al-Hussein Bin Talal Library and other facilities.