The International Relations and Projects Department arranged two ZOOM information meetings in collaboration with DAAD , one for staff members about the DAAD funding opportunities for individuals and institutions, and the other for students about studying in Germany.

During the first meeting which was held on Monday 25/3/2021 with attendance of 20 faculty members, the Director of DAAD Regional Office Amman, Mr. Benjamin Schmäling, briefed on the tasks and activities of DAAD in addition to information on the key issues of the DAAD strategy 2025. He presented on the funding opportunities for individuals and institutions, and on how to initiate partnerships.

On the other hand, Dr. Abdelnasser Hindawi, Programme Coordinator of the DAAD Amman delivered a presentation during the student session that was held on Thursday 28 March 2021 with 16 attendees, on studying in Germany in general, explaining the education system in Germany, the scholarships offered by DAAD for Higher Studies, types of higher education institutions in Germany, conditions of admission and the cost of admission for higher studies. He then highlighted the mission of DAAD, areas of its activities and the services it provides at the regional and global levels.