The European Union Commission in Brussels announced the list of ICM academic mobility projects selected for funding under the Erasmus Plus program for 2020, in which it was announced that Yarmouk University won the partnership of 40 projects for students, faculty members and staff members. Yarmouk University ranked second among Jordanian Universities with the number of partnerships with European universities. This shows the outstanding level and the good reputation that Yarmouk University enjoys at the international and regional levels. This achievement is among the efforts of the Department of International Relations and Projects in enhancing internationalization, building partnerships and networking with prestigious global universities.

Prof. Nabil Hailat, President of the University, expressed his gratitude to the European Union, the Erasmus Plus Program and the Erasmus Plus National Office for their ongoing cooperation and support in the field of cultural exchange as this has a direct impact on sharing knowledge, learning about experiences of others, and sharing expertise in academic issues, training and research as a mean to global reach.