Oklahoma State University has two funded Ph.D. Research Assistant positions for Fall 2021 for Dr. Hantao Cui’s research group at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The following areas are of interest:
- dynamic modeling, computation methods, and control of renewable energy systems.
- transmission & distribution co-simulation, cyber-physical co-simulation.
- machine learning for power system operation, stability, and control.
Self-motivated candidates with a strong background in power systems, control, data science or related fields are required. Candidates with demonstrable programming skills are strongly encouraged to apply.
Interested Candidates are to send their CV,(TOEFL/ IELTS/GRE), transcripts, and one or two publications to Dr. Hantao Cui cuihantao@gmail.com with the title “Prospective PhD student” for inquiries. Also check out the graduate application process
The deadline for submission of applications is March 15 , 2021.