UNESCO is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the first edition of the UNESCO-Russia Mendeleev International Prize in the Basic Sciences, funded by the Russian Federation, to reward those who work to ensure that science serves society and raise awareness of scientific values. It is these values that drove the renowned scientist Dmitri Mendeleev. His invention of the periodic table reflected the brilliance of his mind, the importance of collaboration and the significance of transmission - as seen in the empty boxes he left for future researchers to complete. This visionary figure, who anticipated contemporary challenges, was a forerunner in imagining science for sustainable development.

The Prize will be awarded annually to two prize-winners in recognition of their efforts to use the potential of the basic sciences to transform societies, by making a significant contribution to the excellence of research, the development of scientific education, or international cooperation in science. Prize-winners will be selected on the basis of assessments and recommendations made by the Jury. The Prize consists of a monetary reward of US $250, 000 for each of the two winners.

All applications must be submitted online via a dedicated template available on the webpage of the Prize, by 15 March 2021 at the latest, in English or French, in order to ensure their consideration by the Jury.

Information about the Prize and the nomination process can be found online at: UNESCO-Russia Mendeleev International Prize in the Basic Sciences. Any enquiries with regard to the nomination process should be addressed directly to the Mendeleev International Prize's Team (tel. : +33 (0)1 45 68 10 61; e-mail: mendeleevprize@unesco.org ).