UNIMED announces the Opening Webinar of the UNIMED SubNetwork on Mediterranean Tourism, which will be the first official meeting of the SubNetwork on Mediterranean Tourism and the occasion to get to know each other, learn more on what Universities do in the field of Tourism and jointly discuss the SubNetwork action plan for the upcoming months.
The topic of this SubNetwork is even more relevant now due to the COVID outbreak and its impacts on the Tourism sector and we think that it is time for the SubNetwork to come alive. UNIMED SubNetwork on Mediterranean Tourism promotes synergies, knowledge-exchange and partnerships among the involved Universities, supports policy dialogue and strengthens consultation in the Mediterranean, being one of the world tourism hot spots. The SubNetwork aims to engage university departments, academics, researchers, practitioners, technologists and specialists working in the field.
At this link you will find the agenda of the event. To register your participation in the meeting, please fill out this registration form.
The event will be held :December 9, 2020 from 10:30 am to 12:20 pm CET