EDU-SYRIA Programme, funded by the European Union, through the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian Crisis, the ‘EU Madad Fund’ is pleased to announce the opening of the first round of the Call for Proposals to support short-term projects implemented by local institutions registered in Jordan.
The latest EDUSYRIA project: EDU-SYRIA III, has a total fund of 15 million Euros, and been awarding 2,245 scholarships through eight Actions/Components that are implemented by a consortium of 9 national and international, academic and NGO partners.
Among the consortium partners is NUFFIC, an international Dutch organization for the internationalization in education. NUFFICs’ global development policy is based on strengthening the competencies and skills of both individuals and organizations through education across sectors. Nuffic is managing the Bottleneck Alleviation Programme (BAP) and thus the current call for proposal, noting that the call closes on January 17th, 2021.
To apply click THIS LINK
For further details and to download requested documents, please visit the following LINK.