The Department of International Relations and Projects is the official entity at Yarmouk University that is responsible for all internationalization activities, including the implementation of exchange programs, such as Erasmus+ Mobility programs. The Department provides administration and support for all outgoing and incoming exchange for academic faculty members, administrative staff and students. The Department has six staff members; two of whom are academic members (Director of Department, Deputy Director) and four are administrative (Assistant Director, Head of International Relations, Head of International Projects, Chief of Staff).

To guarantee the transparency and efficiency of organization of outgoing exchange, the Deans Council of Yarmouk University approved a set of instructions and regulations that governs the overall procedure of outgoing exchange for academic faculty members, administrative staff and students.


Overall Procedure for Academic Faculty Members and Administrative Staff

o Selection Criteria for Academic Faculty Members

o Selection Criteria for Administrative Staff

o After the Selection of Academic Faculty Members and Administrative Staff


Overall Procedure for Students

o Conditions and Selection Criteria for Students

o After the Selection of Students

o Recognition Procedure for Outgoing Students

عن الدائرة

Overall Procedure for Academic Faculty Members and Administrative Staff

  • The Department of International Relations & Projects announces for available outgoing exchange scholarships for the fields of study included in the exchange program/agreement (signed with the partner institution).
  • Interested academic faculty members and/or administrative staff submit their applications along with the required documents, such as CV, language proficiency certificate, motivation letter … etc.
  • A descending ordered list of eligible applicants is then prepared based on a grade out of (15 for faculty members / 12 for administrative staff), using a predefined selection criteria that is approved by the Deans Council of Yarmouk University.
  • The applicants at the top of the list are then nominated (depending on the available number of exchange scholarships) and sent to the partner institution.
  • In case a selected applicant failed to use the scholarship, the next in the list is nominated.

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Selection Criteria for Academic Faculty Members

The following criteria is used to a compute a grade (out of 15) for each academic faculty member applicant:

(3 points)

  • Scopus h-index.

(3 points)

  • Number of Scopus documents.

(3 points)

  • Average 4-semester students' evaluation.

(3 points)

  • Years of experience.

(3 points)

  • Availability of an invitation letter.

(-6 points)

  • Deduction for applicants who benefited from the exchange opportunities during the current year and the two previous years.


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Selection Criteria for Administrative Staff

The following criteria is used to a compute a grade (out of 12) for each administrative staff applicant:

(3 points)

  • Highest Academic Degree.

(3 points)

  • English Language Proficiency Certificate.

(3 points)

  • Average 3-year evaluation.

(3 points)

  • Years of experience.

(-6 points)

  • Deduction for applicants who benefited from the exchange opportunities during the current year and the two previous years.

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After the Selection of Academic Faculty Members and Administrative Staff

The following steps take place after the applicant selection is done:

  • The Director of International Relations & Projects Department requests the necessary approvals for the the selected applicants (to participate in the exchange program) from their supervisors (Dean of Academic Faculty / Director of Administrative Unit) and the President of Yarmouk University.
  • The Head of International Relations contacts the selected applicants and meet with them to provide them with necessary information and advisory services.
  • The Director of International Relations & Projects then confirms, signs and stamps all required documents and send them to the host institution.
  • The Head of International Relations provides continuous support for the selected applicants before, during and after the participation in the exchange program.

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Overall Procedure for Students

  • The Department of International Relations & Projects announces for available outgoing exchange scholarships for the fields of study included in the exchange program/agreement (signed with the partner institution).
  • Interested students submit their applications along with the required documents, such as CV, language proficiency certificate, motivation letter … etc.
  • A descending ordered list of eligible applicants is then prepared based on a grade (out of 20), using a predefined set of conditions and selection criteria that are approved by the Deans Council of Yarmouk University.
  • The applicants at the top of the list are then nominated (depending on the available number of exchange scholarships) and sent to the partner institution.
  • In case a selected applicant failed to use the scholarship, the next in the list is nominated.

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Conditions and Selection Criteria for Students

Applicants who do not satisfy the following set of conditions are excluded:

  • Undergraduate students must have completed at least 30 credit hours, while graduate students must have completed at least 6 credit hours.
  • Undergraduate students must have achieved a rating of at least "Good", while graduate students must have achieved a rating of at least "Very Good".
  • Students cannot participate in the exchange scholarship during their last semester.

The following criteria is used to a compute a grade (out of 30) for each student applicant:

(10 points)

  • GPA.

(10 points)

  • Language Proficiency.

(-5 points)

  • Deduction for applicants who benefited from the exchange opportunities before.

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After the Selection of Students

The following steps take place after the applicant selection is done:

  • The Head of International Relations contacts the selected applicants and meet with them to provide them with necessary information and advisory services.
  • The selected applicants are asked to fill in Yarmouk University Learning Agreement and any other required forms. The Learning Agreement contains the set of courses that the student will take in the partner institution. It should be approved and signed by the student's Head of Department and Dean. This will facilitate the recognition process afterward.  
  • The Director of International Relations & Projects then confirms, signs and stamps all required documents and send them to the host institution.
  • The Head of International Relations provides continuous support for the selected applicants before, during and after the participation in the exchange program.

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Recognition Procedure for Outgoing Students

  • If the student fulfills the signed Yarmouk University Learning Agreement and received positive results of studies in the courses listed in the agreement, the student submit this learning agreement along with a Transcript of Records from the partner institution (proving the receiving of positive results in the courses) to the Admission and Registration Department at Yarmouk University. It will then be approved, and the courses will be recognized.
  • If the student studied courses that are not listed in Yarmouk University Learning Agreement, then the student needs to ask that these courses be recognized by Yarmouk University starting from the student's Academic Department.
  • The results of studies abroad clearly identifiable on the Transcript of Records at the graduation of the student from Yarmouk University.

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