Yarmouk University (YU) has been involved in exchange programs of students and faculty/staff through several programs such as Erasmus+ program, which is funded by the European Union. Such programs provide scholarship opportunities for university students in partner universities for one semester to study courses which are recognized upon their return to YU. The programs also provide opportunities for faculty members and administrative staff at the university to teach for periods ranging from one week to two weeks in partner universities. In return the university receives a number of students from partner universities to study at YU, as well as, a number of international academic staff to teach in various university programs.
YU was previously involved in several exchange programs, through which the university gained good experience in managing exchange programs. This experience makes YU familiar with responsibilities, obligations and rules of such programs. Moreover, the university signed a number of exchange agreements with various international universities, in order to increase the the number of exchanges for its students and staff. These exchange programs/agreements include Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) agreements with EU institutions, as well as, Mevlana program with Turkish institutions.
1 |
Ikonomicheski Universitet - Varna |
Bulgaria |
2 |
Agraren Universitet - Plovdiv |
Bulgaria |
3 |
University of National and World Economy |
Bulgaria |
4 |
Varna University of Management |
Bulgaria |
1 |
Visoka Poslovna Skola Par |
Croatia |
1 |
Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool |
Estonia |
1 |
University of Eastern Finland |
Finland |
1 |
Alexandreio Technologiko Ekpaideitiko Idryma Thessalonikis |
Greece |
2 |
Technologiko Ekpaideftiko Idryma Athinas |
Greece |
3 |
Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis |
Greece |
1 |
Vilniaus Universitetas |
Lithuania |
1 |
European University |
Macedonia |
1 |
Universidade Do Minho |
Portugal |
1 |
Katolicka Univerzita V Ruzomberku |
Slovakia |
1 |
Euro-Mediterranean University |
Slovenia |
1 |
Cankiri Karatekin University |
Turkey |
2 |
Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi |
Turkey |
3 |
Yildiz Technical University |
Turkey |
4 |
Mugla Sitki Kocman University |
Turkey |
5 |
Ataturk University |
Turkey |
6 |
Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi |
Turkey |
7 |
Middle East Technical University |
Turkey |
8 |
Kirsehir Ahi Evran University |
Turkey |
9 |
Sivas Cumhuriyet University |
Turkey |
10 |
Istanbul Kültür University |
Turkey |
1 |
Kirikkale University |
Turkey |
2 |
Istanbul University |
Turkey |
3 |
Marmara University |
Turkey |
4 |
Siirt University |
Turkey |
5 |
Dicle University |
Turkey |
6 |
Mus Alparslan University |
Turkey |
7 |
Sakarya University |
Turkey |
8 |
Erciyes University |
Turkey |
9 |
Ankara Yildirim Beyyazit University |
Turkey |
10 |
Aksaray University |
Turkey |
11 |
Cumhuriyet University |
Turkey |
12 |
Ataturk University |
Turkey |
13 |
Inonu University |
Turkey |
14 |
Pamukkale University |
Turkey |
15 |
Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University |
Turkey |
16 |
Kocaeli University |
Turkey |
17 |
Ahi Evran University |
Turkey |
18 |
Karamanoğlu Memetbey Universitesi Adina |
Turkey |
19 |
Kafkas University |
Turkey |
20 |
Süleyman Demirel University |
Turkey |